
Want to see how we can help you get more leads and sales?

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Updated hours:

  • Monday - Thursday: 9am - 5pm PT
  • Friday - Sunday: Closed

There is no higher priority for our Yokel Local Family than the growth of your business and the safety of our employees.

With traditional (face-to-face) aspects of life and business being disrupted in various ways worldwide, maintaining your businesses's online presence is absolutely critical at this time.

We want you to feel confident that we are operating at full capacity to make sure that the work we do to continually increase your online presence, generate leads, and help you grow sales is unaffected.

On March 17th, our Governor instituted "Stay home for Nevada" to help slow the spread of the Coronavirus. All non-essential businesses in the entire state have been shut down (even the Las Vegas Strip is closed.). In response, we have instituted a complete remote work protocol.

Our remote production procedures are as follows:

  • Our team will hold 3 "sprint” production meetings every day at 9 am PST (Start), 11 am PST (Check-in) and 1:30 pm PST (Wrap-up) via Zoom online meetings (which we use on a regular basis).
  • Most, if not all, of our operational software tools (G Suite, HubSpot, Accounting Software, etc.) are in the cloud, so we can continue working seamlessly from any PC or laptop with internet access, anywhere in the world.
  • We manage all your work in our project management system called Wrike. It's cloud-based, allows us to manage every project and task from anywhere in the world and it includes the ability for chat/email communication right inside the platform.
  • The team’s office phones’ voice mail systems will send voice messages directly to their email inboxes where it can be heard.
  • Our Client Care System will be operating normally and fully available for your support needs.

We want you to know that we are fully operational and here to serve you.


During this unprecedented (and short-term) situation, you have two choices:

Go on offense or play defense.

A recession is coming, and the only way to survive and thrive is to go on offense (smartly and strategically).

Unfortunately, some businesses have already gone on defense and thrown in the towel.

If your traditional means of acquiring and doing business face-to-face and/or in offices is disrupted for months to come, your digital marketing efforts matter now, more than ever.

While we are all staying home to #flattenthecurve, this may be a great time to:
  • Build or redesign your company's lead generating website
  • Improve your search engine rankings
  • Create new content for your website
  • Grow your brand using social media
  • Reconnect and reclaim past clients
  • Take market share from competitors that are playing defense
If you'd like to explore various offensive digital marketing strategies during this disruption, let's have a discussion.

Since we can't go to the gym, malls, or movie theaters, we have plenty of time to discuss your growth strategy.

We sincerely hope you and your family are healthy and safe.

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